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Welcome to Tall Tales & Other Stories: Classics for Kids of All Ages!

TALL TALES & OTHER STORIES is a storybook podcast for kids of all ages. This is the place you can come to listen to all sorts of tall tales – from wicked giants, to naughty hens, boring badgers or brave knights…there will be some stories you already know and so many others you are soon to discover. If you fancy a bedtime story, we’ll have those, as well as stories for looong bo-ring car journeys…or classics re-told and nonsense poems…Something for everyone, I think.

Now remember, there are no pictures in podcasts, so you must imagine these stories in your mind…You can imagine them anyway you want to because that’s the beauty of reading! I’m going to post lots and lots of stories but as JK Rowling says (she’s a super famous author by the way): “there’s no story, unless someone wants to listen” so its up to you to take the lead and hit subscribe and if you like these stories, please share them with your friends and leave a review.

There is a world of stories out there, so why not make your own!

Meet your narrator

Alexandra McTavish is an actor, writer, producer and voiceover artist. She’s also Mum to two grown up boys, Oscar & Jack – who, back in the day, loved to read and hear her stories.

Alex loves reading, gardening and playing pretend.